Saturday, April 3, 2010

Postal Service Seeks Five-Day Delivery by Early 2011

The article "Postal Service Seeks Five Day Delivery By Early 2011", found at, discusses how USPS plans on cutting a sizable portion of their budget by eliminating delivery on a certain day of the week. By eliminating deliveries on Saturdays, the article mentions that USPS would save about $3.3 billion the first year and as much as $5.1 billion by the year 2020. However, the plan will get rid of around 40,000 jobs. There are both advocates and naysayers of this plan, including the National Association of Letter Carriers and small business customers. The National Association of Letter Carriers calls the plan "risky and counterproductive", while residential and small business customers believe Saturday delivery is "unimportant". The Postal Commission has 90 days to review the proposal and make a non-binding agreement.

1 comment:

  1. ....certain day of the week.... Why don't you just say Saturday???
