Saturday, October 31, 2009

Summary: Jobless MBA's

The article "Jobless MBA's" discusses how the recent downturn in the economy has affected newly graduated MBA's. According to BusinessWeek, 16.5 % of job seeking students from the top 30 programs did not receive any offers by the time schools collected their final fall employment data three months after graduation. This is a major increase from the 5% of students who could not find jobs the previous year. Since most high paying finance jobs have dissappeared after the recession, most schools have directed students into other industries. Mark Brostoff, associate dean at Westin Career Center, believes students need to "recognize the value of other career paths" and look at other skill sets they possess in order to be successful in today's market. Many people don't forsee the job market picking up anytime soon, which means students will end up taking jobs they otherwise would not have considered or even return to industries that they came to graduate school to get out of. Some students will enjoy different fields of study, travel the globe or start their own businesses, but others will stick with their original plans even if it does take longer than expected. Graduates from this year's class will definitely take different paths to reach their ultimate career goal than any other class in history.

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